Base de connaissances: Dogs Of War Online
Invalid confirmation email
Posté par on 05 February 2014 11:12 AM

Each new confirmation request invalidates the user's previous requests, which is the main reason for the saturation we experienced during the launching day. This led to an invalid confirmation emails with the following text:
"Apparently, this page is not unavailable at the moment, sorry about that ! We are probably already working on the issue. The real question is, who let the dogs out ?! (Is that you Phil ?!)"

If you received this message you can make a new request by launching the game, trying to connect, and ask for a new confirmation email using the dedicated interface that will be displayed.
In order to prevent further issues, please:
1. Push the send button only once at a time to prevent more saturation
2. Wait for 2 hours before requesting a new confirmation email, since it corresponds to the validity duration of each new request


If you use a gmail accounts for confirmation, the email can get "truncated" due to gmail word-wrapping and preview size limitation.
If this is happening, just click "View entire message" at bottom of message and you should see the correct validation link.

Help Desk Software by Kayako Resolve